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Sweetened Sweet Potato Soup

I have always known 'farn shee' as sweet potato and it comes in all color, size and shape but here in the States, it is called yam for the very yellow type and the paler yellow is sweet potato. It was the alternative diet to rice, known to the older generation who went through the Japanese Occupation in Malaysia and they have no desire to eat it anymore. To me, sweet potato in sweetened ginger soup is a comfort food.

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2 large sweet potato/yam(as it is called in the 'States')
a knob of ginger - about 1 inch
8 ozs sugar
2 quarts water


Peel sweet potato/yam and diced into cubes(leave in water as it will turn brown due to oxidation).

Remove the skin from ginger and slice thin.

Put diced sweet potato/yam, ginger and water and bring to boil.

Turn heat down to simmer until sweet potato/yam is fork tender.

Add in sugar and cook until sugar dissolves.

Ginger slices can be removed before serving.


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