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Coconut candy

Rowntree fruit gum, barley sugar, butterscotch or Murray Mints are some of the English sweets when i was growing up, but this Coconut Candy is THE One And Only candy which is not imported and so is made with local ingredients that are readily available in Malaysia. It was and still is wrapped with lovely colored cellophane.


100g palm sugar/gula melaka/gula jawa/gula anau/gula aren
75g maltose
2 tsp sugar
125ml Coconut cream
Crush palm sugar into smaller pieces and put the rest of the ingredient in a heavy based saucepan. (I like to put the saucepan over a cast-ironed skillet).
Cook on medium heat, stirring until the palm sugar and sugar is melted.
Do not stir and cook until it is 257 f - the hard ball stage.
To test , drop a blob into cold water. It should harden.
Pour the mixture onto a greased silicone mat.
Using the plastic spatula, stir to cool the mixture slightly, then divide mixture into 4 portions. Roll each portion into a long, 1/2 inch thick roll, then cut into 1 inch lengths while it is still warm. Shape the edges and wrap in cellophane.

These candies are made with Gula Aren which was sent to me by Lydia Cartagena from Los Angeles. Lydia, thank you and the Gula aren was very good. Thank you again

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