Gado gado is a classic, traditional Indonesian salad drizzled with a luscious. mouthwatering peanut sauce which has a rich, nutty flavor and a delightful creamy texture. Gado gado is such a hearty and filling salad that it can easily be eaten as a complete meal. A variety of vegetables can be used for this salad - like carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, french beans, kangkong etc. Preparing the vegetables is no big deal, just remember to allow the water for blanching to return to a rolling boil after adding each vegetable to ensure they are cooked according to the times allocated. DRAIN the blanched vegetables and rinse under cold water to refresh. For the potatoes - cooked them with skin on until fork tender, peel skin away and then cubed. The only tedious prep is making the Peanut Sauce -if you have 'sambal paste' ready, it is not a big deal. It will be easier if you don't want the roast the peanuts - use crunchy peanut butter.
Satay SauceCooked potatoes—peeled and cubed
Green beans—cut into 1 1/2 to 2 inches lengths - blanched
Cucumber - sliced
Cabbage - cut into bite size and blanched
Bean sprouts - blanched
Fried Tofu - cut into bite size
Sweet peppers - cut into bite size
Hard boiled eggs - cut into quarters
PREPARE the satay sauce following the method from
Malaysian SatayTo assemble the salad:
ARRANGE equal amounts of each vegetable on plates, garnish with egg quarters, and drizzle with satay sauce to serve.
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